Result – The Adventurer

The adventurer

You keep your travels new and exciting. You’re fiercely independent and comfortable with your own company. You love travelling solo as you have the freedom and flexibility to live life on the fly. If you want company, you’ll just strike up a conversation with someone new.

You’ve got a unique perspective on travel. You’ll go just about anywhere and try anything. You want to explore. To see new sights *preferably from a scenic mountain-top.* You can count on your curiosity for motivation.

But, you’re also aware that as a solo traveller your safety is paramount. You know that there are times when having company and the safety of a guide or travel companion just makes sense. Like when you want to explore those off-the-beaten-track places, or when there are big cultural or language barriers.

But there’s always room to try something new. Joining a group for part of your travels doesn’t make it any less solo-travelling. Mix it up – add some spice and throw in a new adventure.

So, what type of travel suits you best?

Read on, friend…

1. Independent solo travel

So you’re determined to go it alone. Good on you! Maybe you’ve heard this tip a hundred times… But just in case, I’m going to tell you one more time. Keeping safe while travelling is the most important thing.

What can you do? You might ask. Just because you intend to travel on your own doesn’t mean you have to do all the planning on your own. Off to a new destination? Then engaging the help of a solo travel specialist who can advise you on the finer points of your trip will be invaluable. After all, you want the best from your trip right?

What things can they help with? Tips specific to the nuances of solo travel – on where to stay, what your safest transport options are, things to be aware of. Plus, 24/7 emergency assistance when you’re away.

2. Small group tours

You may have previously thought of group travel as too restrictive for your free spirit. But if you want to venture off-the-beaten-track it’s a great option. Having someone know where you are or on hand, if you find yourself sick or injured is so important.

Look for tours that offer a balance of included experiences and your own leisure time so you don’t feel too restricted. A tour that is dedicated to solo travellers is likely to be more your style. Plus ensuring you have your own room will give you the independence you need.

My tip – choose a specific type of travel you want to do so you’re with like-minded people. Hiking? Wellness? Gourmet? There are many options to choose from.

3. Try out a mix

There’s no reason why you have to stick to one style. Mix it up a bit. Start off with some time on your own before venturing out with a group. Or kick off your trip with a short group tour where you may meet some people to continue on with after.

Heading to a destination where you really need a group? ….. then book in a stopover or lovely resort pre or post to have that alone time.

Feel safe by day but don’t want to be stuck at your hotel each night? Then just book in some evening group activities.

Why? Holidays are important. If you’re taking the time away and spending your hard-earned cash, then let’s make it the perfect trip for you each and every time.

About me

Hey, there 👋 I’m Alyssa

I’m the founder of SoloMade. I love solo travelling. It offers you the freedom to explore the world your way. As a lifelong traveller myself, I’ve covered many corners of the globe.

I began solo travelling early in my 20s. Solo travel back then meant jumping on a tour or staying in hostels as a way to meet new people. But as we hit our 40s (and beyond!), our travel style evolves. As life and work get busy, our holidays become even more important. We no longer want to stay in hostels to meet people, but staying in a hotel alone can feel isolating. It’s nice to have people to dine with or explore those off-the-beaten-track places.

And so… SoloMade was born. With 23 years of travel industry experience, I help solo travellers (just like you) explore the world. Whether that be heading off independently or joining one of our small group hosted journeys.

There’s no need to wait for your friends and family to explore the world.

Together we’ll develop a travel plan that aligns with your unique needs! I’ll be there for you every step of the way. And you can feel secure knowing that I’ll be available 24/7 for emergency assistance when you’re away.

Looking for a little extra travel inspiration? Check out these resources…

  1. Follow us on Instagram

For your daily dose of travel inspiration and solo travel tips

2.Join our solo travel community on Facebook

A place to connect with other like-minded solo travellers. A safe space to share your travel dreams and experiences and learn from the experiences of others. Plus, I will be in there answering questions and offering advice too.

  1. Book a 15-minute consultation with yours truly

If you’re ready to get serious about planning your next solo trip, give me a call! We’ll discuss your travel dreams and find the best and most exciting way to reach them.

Get in touch today!

1300 033 484

Plus expect to see me in your inbox with solo travel tips and inspiration!